下午6点前购买,以便第二天收到订单。Next day delivery
Orders before 6pm from Monday to Saturday (or before 1pm on Sunday) will be delivered Next working day (except Northern Ireland and Highlands). Orders placed after 6pm (after 1pm on Sunday) or for Northern Ireland and Highlands will be delivered in 2 working days.Drop Point
In 2-3 working days. Pick up your parcel in one of the many diferent collection points available and during a wide range of hours.Same day delivery in London:
Place your order before 13:00 to get it today!. If you order later on, you’ll receive it the next day and if you order on Sunday, you’ll receive it the next working day.船舶
1至7个工作日内免费地面运输 1至7个工作日内提供店内取货服务 还提供次日送达和快递服务 除了某些物品外,购买的物品都放在一个绑着Bolduc丝带的橙色盒子里 有关运输方式、费用和交付时间的详细信息,请参见交付常见问题解答木材的特性:
- 坚硬、致密、纤维状和多孔
- 好的木材给人以丰富、温暖和美丽的表面。
- 地板、家具、墙壁
- 附带家具(灯罩、相框)
- 厨房和餐厅用品
Recommended for ages 3+
Safari Whales
are wonderfully detailed, hand-painted models of real life whale species! Great for dioramas, pretend play, and decoration, these Safari animals are sure to please any orca or whale fan. There are several
Safari Whales
available; Killer Whale and Humpback Whale. Please select the one you would like from the drop down menu above. Find the perfect whale for your trip to Seaworld, bathtime, or for a beach/pool day!
Killer Whale (Orca) –
Although Killer Whales range worldwide, they are most abundant in the Arctic and Antarctic, where nutrient-rich cold waters rise from the deep and attract other sea life. At the top of the cold-water food chain is the Killer Whale, the largest member of the dolphin family.
Approx. size: 6.63 x 2.46 x 3.12 inches
Humpback Whale –
These 40-ton mammals swim the oceans worldwide, migrating between cold northern waters and the warmer temperate zones, always seeking tiny krill to eat. And eat they must, to maintain their nearly 60-foot average length and energetic leaps from the water.
Approx. size: 6.89 x 3.74 x 1.77 inches
Product features:
- Each safari animal is hand-painted
- Safari Whales measure approx. 6-7 inches long
Admire it on a shelf, use it in the classroom, or simply enjoy playing with it.
- Find the perfect whale for your vacation, bathtime, or for a beach/pool day!
Additional information
Weight | 1 kg |
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